You pay 3rd parties to keep your business moving. The fees paid to them should also come with the knowledge that if they cause an accident or damage they have the proper insurance coverage to also shield your exposure. Are you certain this is actually happening?

Certrax does all the heavy lifting


Certrax insurance professionals uncover your "sleeping" insurance exposures.

​Certrax implements your insurance standards across your entire enterprise. These standards are the cornerstone of our insurance audits for every 3rd party you hire.



Our service team gathers the inbound information your company is missing and presents it on an easy to use customizable platform.

​Certrax never loses focus on our client's interaction with our application. Our platform is user friendly and provides your staff the information needed to quickly understand insurance certificate compliance when they need it.


Finding the Risks

Claims resulting from a mishandled or inconsistent 3rd party insurance compliance and management process can cost your business dearly

Certrax solutions are designed to avoid the following common pitfalls

  • Increased Insurance Premiums
  • Out of pocket costs
  • Unnecessary Legal Expenses
  • Bad publicity/bruised reputation
  • Loss of revenue

Simply stated, the proper way to mitigate risk is to continually identify and expose hidden risks and have the right strategy and personnel in place to work to mitigate that risk.

Our expertise makes this painless as we validate 3rd party coverage before suppliers are hired and continually after they are working. Every Certrax analyst is proficient on the pertinent laws and procedures associated with 3rd party risk transfer. 

The Certrax Solution will

  • Ensure your corporate insurance standards are applied and adhered to across your entire property portfolio.
  • Help your team review third-party relationships by identifying categories and potential risk factors.
  • Accurately track, monitor and maintain insurance compliance.
  • Delivery a comprehensive risk mitigation strategy across your entire enterprise.

Risk Mitigation

With Certrax dedicated specialists on your side, most compliance issues are resolved before they even reach your desk.

Follow Up and Follow through - Our team continually follows up with vendors to address shortcomings in their insurance compliance, so you don't have to.

Finding time to contact vendors and brokers to secure insurance compliance literally can be a full time job. Project managers need solutions that both achieve this critical review and delineate which items need immediate action

Our dedicated team of analyst will do all the work to collect, notify and communicate with the insureds and/or their insurance brokers as per your specific requirements. The ultimate objective is to reduce risk and exposure to incurred claims using a proven process based approach.